Spanjes “Best buy last 10 years” volgens R. Parker
Finca Villacrecesis één van onze minder bekende wijndomeinen uitRibera del Duero. Nochtans werken wij al meer dan 20 jaar samen met dit domein.
Hun basiswijn“Pruno”haaltjaar in jaar uit mooie scores bij Parker, en dat voor een wijn van amper 16,26 euro!
Hieronder een korte bloemlezing van Robert Parker:
2015: 90/100: As always represents a good value in Ribera del Duero.
2016: 91/100:Always a good value in Ribera and cropped from a fresher year, the 2016 Pruno has notes of licorice, dark berries and even some fresher red fruit. It has abundant, fine-grained tannins that require powerful food.
2018: 91+/100:The entry-level here is the 2018 Pruno, which follows the line of the 2016. It's mostly Tempranillo with 9% Cabernet Sauvignon fermented for three weeks and matured in French barrels for 11 months. It's clean and quite fruit-driven, approachable and juicy, with integrated oak. Very pleasant, with very good freshness.
2019: 92/100:The 2019 Pruno has some unusual aromas reminiscent of pine needles, balsamic and faintly herbal with moderate alcohol (they harvested early in this warm year) and with very good balance and harmony. The aromas and flavors are pure and defined, and it's tasty, easy to drink and has very fine tannins. Among the finest Pruno of recent times.
2021: 91/100:The heady and grapey 2021 Pruno has seen the Cabernet Sauvignon reduced to 6% of the bottled blend, and it's a powerful and ripe Ribera with 14.3% alcohol and good freshness that makes it come through as juicy and fine-boned, with chalky tannins. There are abundant notes of prunes and very ripe black fruit here. It matured in 225- and 500-liter barrels for one year.
De 2021 is nu gearriveerd! De kwaliteit van de Pruno is niet toevallig:gedurende jaren werden de wijngaarden waar vandaag Pruno mee wordt gemaakt,gebruikt doorPeter Sisseckom zijnFlor de Pingusmee te maken.
Ik was afgelopen weekend nog op het domein en proefde alweer hoe goed het allemaal weer was!